Monday, 20 January 2014


Over the christmas break i was asked to read Charles Dickens, Great Expectations. I had never read Great Expectations before, but had heard of it as its such a well known novel. After starting to read the book, i found it quite difficult to follow and understand due to being written in old English, so i used spark notes and watched Great Expectations (the 2012 version) to familiarise myself more with the plot and storyline, whilst continuing to read the book alongside this. After watching the film, i had a much better understanding of the story and found the text followed the film quite well. Especially so in the BBC version we watched in class this week. It was just how i had imagined the beginning to look when i was reading the book. I think the tv series captured the darkness and gloominess of the opening scenes. It really brought a realisation about how times were so different in the Victorian Era. Not only with the surroundings feeling morbid and cold, the music was creaky and creepy which in kept with the  eerie atmosphere.
During the start of the book, i found myself instantly taking a liking to Pip, due to his kind hearted nature. He seemed innocent, he didn't care about money and he wanted to be a blacksmith, like Jo. Even when he first started visiting Estella, he would not react or bite to the way she was treating him. However further on my opinion and views of Pip seemed to rapidly change and i found myself really disliking him and his whole attitude. He appeared to only care about what other 'gentlemen' thought of him and how he came across, neither did he care about Jo who had raised him. He was driven by money, love for Estella and his dream of being a gentleman.
Be that as it may, the character i was most drawn to was Miss Havisham. Her intriguing secret past kept me wanting to know more and why, along with her unusual character. I felt like i had so many questions and i was captivated with her. Why was she so wealthy as a woman in that era? What caused her to be the way she is? Why was she inviting Pip and other boys round? And did she have a hidden agenda? I was slightly surprised at Gillian Anderson's portrayal of Miss Havisham compared to Helen Bowham Carters. I feel Helen Bowham Carters was a more realistic version of how i saw Miss Havisham (and how pip is seeing Miss Havisham. Also the audience for the BBC version would be different to the 2012 version and would have to be toned down as families would have been watching it.) In looks and character, because i feel that no one in the mental state that Miss Havisham was in, would look so groomed and pretty looking as Gillian Anderson does. Her her hair is neat and looks as though she has make up on, which wasn't common in that era.
I feel like after reading and analysing, the book has more to it than i originally thought. It is interesting seeing the variety of different views and the different actors take on the characters. I am looking forward to analysing more in depth and really understanding the novel.

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