Tuesday, 22 April 2014


  • Quentin:
    After choosing the film to base the looks and researching Claudia, i had a few ideas of how i would want my Quentin to look. My first was inspired from the film 'May.' In this she makes her own boyfriend out of other people. So my first idea would be that Quentin would have stitches going across his face to represent Claudia sewing him together to make her perfect boyfriend. I then remembered that he is imaginary. And i thought, if Claudia is imagining her 'perfect' boyfriend. He would be perfect, no this sewn together man with blood and stitches going across his face. She would imagine him to look completely normal.
    I think Quentin would also be 'socially normal' looking because she is desperate to find love and human connection - and what is portrayed as being normal and accepted is to be in a loving, successful relationship with a boyfriend. So she feels like this will help her to feel better about herself, less like the odd one out, and give her a sense of purpose - which will inevitably help her to feel comfortable leaving her house.
    I then thought about what i've talked about before about how the horror films would effect the way she is with Quentin. If she is constantly watching people getting chopped up or beaten of locked away. She would begin to think this is normal and do it to Quentin. I imagined Quentin looking normal, but looking tired, slightly beaten and dirty from being trapped in Claudia's Imagination for too long. I then thought about how to make this look contemporay for a music video as i didnt want to just create bruising and tiredness i want it to fit in with the theme of the video.

    Pinterest mood board for Quentin: http://www.pinterest.com/lailahamidi/quentin/
    Storyboard for Quentin:

    (My Quentin model also has a beard.)

    Face charts:
     This first face chart is keeping it simple, as if she was imagining him he would be her idea of perfect.

     This face chart has some lines going across the face which would represent him being sewn together subtly.

     This face chart is very simple again, but with some black liner under the eyes, showing Quentin's dark side/ Claudia's dark side as its her imagination.


    This final face chart is to show the months of being locked away and possibly beaten by claudia, without using a bruise wheel and making it too theatrical.Also to show the dark gothic horror side they both share. I have used black to spread over the eyes, also i like that you can still see the brush strokes as it in keeps with Claudia's paint like feel. I would also apply red liner in the eyes to make them pop out a bit more.

    Quentin's hair:
    Quentin's hair would be very short and tamed. Although he is a prisoner to Claudia, i feel like there are aspects of his appearance she would maintain in her head and the hair would be one of them. I imagine it to be a typical 'man' hairstyle with shaved at the side and longer on the top. This is a very popular hairstyle these days so it would work being in a current music video.

    Quentin's style: I think Quentin would dress very 'Indie' and festival like. He would be quite scruffy but it would suit his overall appearance and personality. I feel like he would wear colour, whereas Claudia would only wear black. His clothes would look dirty and worn, where Claudia would always seem to have more pride in her appearance. Maybe because she is craving acceptance from everyone and thinks the only way to get it is by her looks. Also if Quentin is seen to be the messy scruffy one, she might think this would help with that too.

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